Tropical cyclones and climate change
When looking at tropical cyclones in relation to climate change, it is normal to look at both their intensity and their frequency. This IPCC SREX summary report states that there is low confidence in any increases in frequency or intensity of these events:
There is low confidence in any observed long-term (i.e., 40 years or more) increases in tropical cyclone activity (i.e., intensity, frequency, duration), after accounting for past changes in observing capabilities.
However, in a recent paper: Downscaling CMIP5 climate models shows increased
tropical cyclone activity over the 21st century (Emanuel, 2013), a case is made that both the intensity and the frequency of tropical cyclones could increase over the next few decades. This paper uses 6 models from the CMIP5 ensemble of General Circulation Models (GCMs), and downscales them (embeds a model of finer resolution into the GCM) so as to be able to better resolve the storms themselves. From the paper:
From this, they conclude that running the model at a higher resolution provides a better estimate for the overall storm intensity. The results that they found, namely that intensity and frequency will increase by 8-80% and 11-41% respectively, are interesting because they are at odds with a similar study carried out on an early generation and current generation models - CMIP3 and CMIP5 - in this paper: Dynamical Downscaling Projections of Twenty-First-Century Atlantic Hurricane Activity: CMIP3 and CMIP5 Model-Based Scenarios (Knutson et al., 2013). In this paper, the CMIP3 models showed that the intensity of storms would increase by 87%, but that the frequency of tropical cyclones would decrease by 27%. The more recent CMIP5 models found similar results: storms would increase by 39-45% and frequency would decrease by 20-23%.One distinct advantage of our downscaling technique is that it captures the full spectrum of storm intensity
In an earlier review article: tropical cyclones and climate change (Knutson et al, 2010), both current (in 2010) generation models run at normal resolution, and higher resolution models are considered. It finds that high-resolution models project that storms will become stronger by 2-11% by 2100, which is in qualitative agreement with the above papers, but the magnitude of the change is much smaller. It was written before both of the above papers, which could explain the discrepancy. The article goes on to say that for the current generation of models, storm frequency is projected to decrease by 6-34%. Whereas higher resolution models "project substantial increases in the frequency of the most intense cyclones". The article points out that the use of downscaling can have a noticeable effect on the results in terms of frequency of stronger storms:
There is a clear tendency among the models, particularly at higher resolution (60-km grid spacing or less), to project an increase in the frequency of the stronger tropical cyclones
There seems to be a fairly broad consensus that the intensity of the largest storms will increase over the next century. However, there seems to be considerable variation in the projections for frequency between different models on one hand, and different studies on the other. The role of downscaling appears to be important to the outcomes of these studies, with models run at a higher resolution tending to project higher frequencies of storms.